The past week has been a very disturbing week not only for me but, I truly believe, all true peace loving Malaysians. Life seems to be so cheap in our society now. Every now and then we are bombarded with news about custodial death... death of ordinary helpless innocent Malaysiam in the custody of Malaysian Institutions created for the purpose of defending and protecting the civil liberties and human rights of all Malaysians. If death can happen in their custody what hope is there for all ordinary Malaysians? These institutions are suppose to protect the safety of all citizens of this beloved country but what has happened in the past has shown otherwise. They seemed to be only interested in protecting the rights and interests of a few rich a powerful individuals and the ruling party.
What is more tragic is that those in power who are in a position to correct the wrongs are turning a blind eye or shall I add a deaf ear also to all these abuses. Those who stand to lose the most when the truth is exposed begin to spin stories to support these abusive institutions. In the most recent case of custodial death two pro UMNO dailies, namely, Berita Harian and Mingguan Malaysia even declared that the widespread outpouring of anger and griefs over Teoh's death under suspicious circumtances and the subsequent demands for justice is actually an attempt to weaken the Malay controlled institutions. I am really confused at this point. Attempts to weaken the Malay controlled institutions? How did the race issue creep in? Which institution is Malay controlled we are talking about? Is MACC suppose to be Malay controlled? I thought it is a Malaysian intitution. So, suppose it is Malay controlled insitution and the death of a Malaysian Chinese is perfectly alright?. It should be swept under the carpet and all should remain quiet about it. Is that right? Where is the value of human lives. Does it matter what race the deceased belongs to? Do they view Malay lives more valuable than other races? Why are they defending MACC and turning the issue into a racial issue instead of demanding for justice and truth for Teoh's family? Those who demanded justice never talk about race and yet these pro UMNO dailies turned it into a racial issue.
Free School tour
A group of 26 visitors, all descendants of the parents of one of Penang’s
most distinguished sons, Dr Wu Lien-Teh, visited Penang Free School and
were gi...
1 day ago
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